In the Sacred Day Ceremony you are establishing a stimulus/response pattern based on the alchemical components of the creative force … the Elements. This establishes the natural world as the infrastructure of your behavioural reference, the natural world being the living body of truth.
This pattern is established through the engagement of the senses: vision, smell (immensely evocative), touch (feel the water…touch it to your third eye… the warmth of the flame, the vibration of the crystal, evoke the feeling of the Sun’s warmth on your face) and sonic resonance through the linguistic vibration of the spoken word.
In order to practice the Sacred Day Ceremony it is advisable to focus on the manifest representatives of the elements.
Water : Decorative Bowl of Water
Air : Incense
Earth : Crystal or Stone
Fire : Candle
Ether : Internal visualization of the Sun or the Platonic or Archimedean solid of Ether such as the Solar Sphere (dodecahedron) or Solar Star
Stellar Radiance : Any form of Geometric Star such as a Star Tetrahedron
Creation Mandala : Flower of Life
Ceremony is a seed – plant it !
This sacred day
My communion with the element of Water
honors my physical being as a chalice
overflowing with the purity of innocence.
Understanding brings forgiveness
cleansingmy emotional body.
My mental body releases judgment
as I recognize the perfection in all creation.
Love is my protection
This sacred day
My communion with the element of Air
honors my physical being
as infused by each breath
with the Benevolence of Creation.
Compassion empowers my sense of self
cleansing my emotional body.
My mental body releases notions of separation
as breath integrates my sense of self
into the wheel of eternal existence.
Love is my protection
This sacred day
My communion with the element of Earth
honors my physical being as fully present
upon this sentient planet.
I honor my sensory self
as connected to all creation
cleansing my emotional body.
My mental body releases fear
as I celebrate this incarnation,
strengthening my trust in each moment.
Love is my protection.
This sacred day
My communion with the element of Fire
honors my physical being as eternal.
I honor my connectedness
to the universal reservoir of pleasure and causal desire
cleansing my emotional body.
My mental body releases the fear of death
as I recognize the illusion of duality.
Love is my protection
This sacred day
My communion with the element of Ether
honors my physical being
as a child of the Earth and the Sun.
Every ray of light
defines my understanding of abundance
cleansing my emotional body.
My mental body
releases the fear that is attachment
as I come to know there is no separation.
Love is my protection
This sacred day
My communion with the element of Stellar Radiance
honors my physical being as assimilating
the rejuvenating power
of the tantric language of Light.
My every breath unites my physical being
with the Source of Creation
cleansing my emotional body.
My mental body releases fear
as with each breath I know myself
as sentient, sovereign, eternal.
Love is my protection
This sacred day
This Ceremony of celebration of the living word
brings understanding of Source
opening to me
within me
I am the light
I hold the light
the light is with me always.
Love is my protection
This sacred day
My communion with Earth’s Sun
brings my full conscious awareness into the moment
honouring my physical being as a portal
through which divine Consciousness flows;
a stargate in time and space.
My every breath crystallizes my presence
as a coordinate in the Divine Immortal Continuum,
cleansing my emotional body.
My mental body breaks free of its mortal confines
as I remember my quantum galactic Identity,
awakening my fearless self.
Love is my protection
Through my conscious communion
with the alchemical elements of creation
my spiritual identity merges in perfect union
with all other aspects of myself.
This alchemy aligns my Human expression
with my Soul’s Covenant
to give and receive love in all that I do
This sacred day
This I do for myself
and for all Humanity
Copyright © Juliet Carter and The Template
The Sacred Day Ceremony is available to be shared freely in its entirety and with full attribution.
This meditation is in the Template Workbook available here.
Next Sacred Geometry Template Workshops in Glastonbury.