Sacred geometry Jewellery is designed to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health through the resonance of your original blue print with the building blocks of the natural and super natural world.
They also protect against electromagnetic pollution such as mobile phones, as shown with muscle testing.
The forms, ranging from basic Platonic and Archimedean to nestings and powerful combinations, mirror the atomic structures of everything in the Universe. They bring into your Sacred Space harmony and power. Evoking the archetypical intelligence of creation, they empower you to find within, the language of light.
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Creation Mandalas (Flower of Life)
Solar Mandalas (Seed of Life)
Star Tetrahedrons
Circled Star Tetrahedrons
Tantric Stars (Star Tetrahedrons with octahedrons inside)
Heart Stars (stellated cuboctahedron)
Solar Stars (stellated dodecahedrons)
Tantric Terra Prana
(nested Tantric star and cuboctahedron)