Here is the Video of the Original Innocence Ceremony by The Template team. The Template has been developed over 30 years and we are making this pioneering video of the first Ceremony freely available to share so you can reconnect the first 12 electromagnetic Circuits in your body.
Extract from Worldbriger to present the main themes of this alchemical Original Innocence Ceremony as it progresses from Water to Air, Earth, Fire and Ether.
The first twelve Foundation Circuits … reconnection had provided a stable platform of key elementary reconciliation of the fundamental Human condition on which to stage the emotional resolution that would allow for the retrieval of a more expanded identity base.
With the reconnection of the Water Circuits we had forgiven those we loved and those we did not. We had accepted that life was not happening to us, but because of us; that mother and father are sacred and, despite what we may or may not have enjoyed or suffered under their guardianship, they were the stargate through which we entered existence and that, beyond the wounds and scars our parents carried from their own inability to flourish in this mutant, dualistic paradigm, they loved us more than life itself.
With the reconnection of the Air Circuits we forgave those dark power-holders who had, down through the ages, caused fear to enter our vibrational fields. We empowered ourselves with the conscious knowledge that we were the Source generating all the experiences that we had.
With the Earth Circuit reconnected, we fell back into the lap of the Mother and reaffirmed our allegiance to our emerald-blue planet spinning through the galaxy. We reinstated an electromagnetic conduit into the very body of her wisdom, allowing a sublime influx of Earth awareness to deliver its simple natural truth into the pituitary-hypothalamus-pineal complex, rendering ourselves sentient instruments through which Source Consciousness could interface with this planetary bio-computer.
The Fire Circuit broke our covenant with death. In one aesthetically compelling moment of ceremonial awareness we introduced the frequency of immortality into our field of perception and into the entire planetary bio-spheric membrane. “Never was there a time when we did not exist… never would there come a time when we would cease to be!” This immortal creed challenged in one poetic sweep the greatest deceit ever perpetrated upon Humanity.
With the reconnection of the Ether Circuits we revealed and denounced guilt and shame, inviting light to enter our hearts, placing love as the central cohesive sacrament which defines our core existence.
We did not know it, but we were now ready for the 13th Circuit.Juliet Carter – Worldbridger book