Light, as the geometric primal life impulse, endlessly transmitted from the galactic directive and transduced by our Sun, holds within it codes which reach out to our Earth for resonant fields with which to create. The world of nature that surrounds us revealed itself as an endless labyrinth of energetic interactive co-creative consciousness, exposing the holographic nature of the matrix. The tantric interference between the Solar and Gaia potencies of creation forms the womb from which all cosmological transmissions are birthed into time and space, the crucible in which the recipe of life is determined. Manifest existence is the result of the interference patterns created by the interplay of codes and frequency resonances that develop, between them, a matrix of archetypal patterning which translates this relationship into the principles of matter; expressing this tantric union as life-forms that walk, fly and swim, clothed in fur, feather and skin … trees, flowers and shimmering wings, all sprung from a palette of light.
Extract of the book Worldbridger by Juliet Carter