The Template Ceremony to Clear and Protect is by Juliet Carter.
Please share it.
Begin by observing your face, breathing deeply, rhythmically and consciously while watching how your face responds to being seen.
Stay conscious of your breath.
You will find that at a point observer and the observed merge as the internal authentic Self connects beyond the facade of the face that has been sculpted throughout your life as you learned to protect yourself.
Stay conscious of your breath.
As you connect beyond the betrayal and loss and heartbreak, you move beyond the layer of your external identity reference and connect to your Self.
Breathe with yourself…as your Self.
Begin making eye contact…breathe consciously as you do so. Move from one eye to the other until full connection flows and feels comfortable. Stay with your breath as you focus into the 3rd eye area.
Continue a relaxed conscious breath at a comfortable level of intensity as you are now about to begin the spoken code.
With each breath
I connect
to the causal ocean of potential
that is the constant of life eternal.
With each breath
I connect
to the elemental alchemy
of the natural world
as my living creed.
With each breath
I recalibrate
with my Soul’s covenant with light,
the vow between spirit and matter
that maintains my sentient sovereignty
as a fractal aspect of primordial awareness
that has manifested my physical form
as a containment of consciousness
birthed in order to calibrate
with the source code of light
I affirm my sentient sovereignty.
With each breath I liberate
my psycho-sensory identity
from all forms of external interference
that attempt to influence
my quintessential self.
I renounce, denounce and expel
from my field
any interference from all forms
of external agendas and energetic influences
that interfere with my covenant
with the love and truth encrypted in every ray of light
and my identity as a sovereign, sensory instrument,
able to give and receive love in all that I do.
From Juliet Carter July 2016